



date:2024-05-12 20:32

VotoUY Platform with all information related to the 2020 elections in Uruguay

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation, as an international non-profit organization working in more than 100 countries to strengthen democracy, governance and the rule of law, considered it appropriate to develop a digital tool to inform and promote democratic debate. , respectful, transparent and constructive around Uruguay's 2024 electoral period.

Voto Uy seeks to disseminate electoral information through a Dragon Hatch digital-mobile platform with free access to all citizens in favor of strengthening democracy in this country.

We work together with the University of the Republic, the Catholic University of Uruguay and the University of Montevideo in the development of this project that supports Uruguayan democracy.

Sources of information: main press outlets El País, Búsqueda, La Diaria, Interior Press Association; Institute of Political Sciences of the University of the Republic, Catholic University of Uruguay, University of Montevideo; Consultants: Teams, Cifra, Factum, Radar Option; and Electoral Court of Uruguay.

-This application is not official of the State of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay nor does it represent any government entity in the country-