


Soul Eyes Demon: Horror Skulls

date:2024-05-21 07:10

Soul Eyes Demon: Horror Skulls Soul Eyes Demon: Horror Skulls. The objective is simple to collect bags...

Collect clues and escape unharmed without laying eyes on the monster chasing you. Soul Eyes Demon continues this trend, but far from being a clone, it adds its own twist to this dark game of cat and mouse.

Take the money and run. From Krasue...

Why in horror movies and games do people always stand close to the scary thing? Shouldn't they just run screaming? Does not make sense. At least in Eyes of Shadow Game there is some explanation: you are in a house of horrors to collect money. Hard cash. And who wouldn't risk their life for a handful of dollars?

So, the gameplay of the game Eyes of Shadow - Nightmare makes you travel through a strange house to find 6, 12, 20 or 30 bags of money (depending on the difficulty level you choose). The problem is that the house is guarded by a ghost Krasue who doesn't want you to leave alive.

The ghost leaves clues, red eyes painted on the walls. If you see one of these, leave. Did you hear strange screams? Stay as far away as possible, the traumatized specter is close by. You see a sign that says "RUN!" ? So do like Usain Bolt: your enemy is very close.

How to play!!

Soul Eyes Demon: Horror Skulls - Scary Suspense is a simple game mechanic in which you simply have to move around the house and use a button to pick up bags of money (they glow in the dark, so they are easy to spot).

Your survival depends on following the good signs and avoiding the bad ones as you run from room to room: only one ghost can move through the corridors (except on the hardest level... anything goes).

Play your cards right and monstrously - a horror game can be a very good horror experience. The combination of light and shadow, a mad dash from one room to another, is a good choice for this genre7up Down. Also, the jump scares are not so plentiful that when you reach it, when it hits, you find yourself jumping out of your seat.

The ghost itself is taken directly from Japanese horror films: it is a woman (or part thereof), with dark hair and painful eyes. Nothing new, but I find this human form more terrifying than any animal.

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